The Center for Latin American Studies offers scholarships, assistantships, and fellowships for students studying at the University of Florida. A field research grant competition, summer foreign language fellowships, and internship opportunities are also supported.

We encourage you to look through the various opportunities offered below and submit your application.

Looking for fiscal paperwork forms on Submittable? Please go here.

FBLI recipients must complete this agreement during their last semester. This agreement signifies an understanding of the statutory requirement to return to Brazil upon completion of studies.

If you have any question, please reach out to

Recipients of the FBLI out-of-state tuition exemption are required to send an official transcript to the Florida/Brazil Institute at the end of each semester you receive the waiver. This is required even if you are not planning to reapply for the following academic year. Recipients are expected to maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA while receiving the waiver.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

We ask that FBLI recipients, upon paying semester fees, send the receipt to the Florida/Brazil Institute so we can verify you are being charged the appropriate tuition rate.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

Responses due no later than April 30, 2025.

CLAS/COTA reporting period:  March 16, 2024 to March 15, 2025.

IFAS reporting period:  January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.

Graduate Assistants are required to submit their hours on a bi-weekly schedule. You will receive an automated email reminder at the end of each pay period. Please submit no later than 4 days after the pay period has ended.
If you have any questions, please contact Po Echeguren at or Jessica Mrozinske Baker at


Are you a current UF student interested in applying for a graduate certificate in Latin American Studies? We encourage interested students to reach out to our MALAS Advisor, Clate Korsant, at Please reach out so we can get to know your academic goals and interests! 

If you have already contacted us please follow the steps below:
 Step 1: Apply for the Certificate here:
 Step 2: Fill out this advising form
 Step 3: Meet with Clate Korsant to discuss plans for earning the certificate

Please contact Po Echeguren at, if you have questions about your certificate application, and on your final semester so that she can verify that you have completed the certificate requirements and make sure you are on the degree list. You must be admitted to the certificate before your final term at UF.

 For more information about the requirements, please visit

Thank  you for your interest in becoming or remaining an affiliate with the Center. Typically affiliates devote at least 25% of their professional activity (teaching, research, service, or outreach) to Latin America, the Caribbean, or Latin@s in the United States.

In addition to your CV, we would need a brief paragraph on your research and/or teaching related to the Latin American/Caribbean/Latin@ Studies. If you are seeking an affiliate appointment and have not had one previously, once you complete this form and upload your CV, your materials will be presented at one of our monthly Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) meetings for approval.  If you are renewing your affiliate appointment, one you complete this form and upload your CV, our HR person at the Center will submit the request to update your affiliate status in the UF system.

Benefits of LAS Affiliate Faculty Status

  • Eligible to apply for Center funding (course development, professional development travel)
  •  Invited to major Center events 
  • Useful for CV and P&T
  • Eligible to run for positions on the Faculty Advisory Council (FAC)
  •  Latin American-related courses can be cross-listed with the Center and promoted through our website

Responsibilities/Expectations of Affiliate Faculty

  • Assist the Center in promoting Latin American Studies (LAS) programs and courses across campus
  • Collaborate with Core and other Affiliate Faculty working in LAS
  • Serve occasionally on ad hoc LAS committees
  • Provide input on innovative ideas for new LAS academic initiatives and programs
  •  Serve as advisors/mentors for LAS graduate students when appropriate 

The Center for Latin American Studies considers proposals to organize or co-sponsor faculty- and student-led initiatives from the University of Florida, as well as from other academic and cultural institutions. These initiatives include but are not limited to, conferences, lectures, invited speakers, community engagement, arts initiatives, and other events both on- and off-campus. If you wish to propose a speaker for one of the Center’s lecture series, you’re welcome to do so. We also accept proposals for a Spanish-speaking audience. 

Please do not use this form for travel that falls under the umbrella of our Graduate Student or Affiliate Faculty travel process.

Please check the LAS Event Calendar before submitting a request. Multiple events on the same day will not be considered for funding. All funding requests will have a response within 15 working days. 


  • To complete this form you will be prompted to log-in through Submittable. If you do not have a valid account, you will need to create a free Submittable account.  
  • If you encounter technical issues with the form, please contact
  • You can save a draft of your work if you would like to finish filling out the form at a later date.
  • All communications regarding your submission will occur via email.

The Florida-Brazil Linkage Institute (FBLI) awards tuition exemptions for qualified Brazilian undergraduate students studying at Florida’s public community colleges or Brazilian graduate students studying at Florida’s public universities.

 Applicants must meet all of the following eligibility requirements:

  • Brazilian citizens with F-1 or J-1 visa status.
  • Must have been admitted to or enrolled as a full-time degree-seeking graduate student (MA/MS/LLM) at a Florida state university OR a full-time 2-year degree-seeking community college student (AA/AS) at a Florida state community college.
  • A 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA).
  • Students must agree to return to Brazil for a period of time equal to the exemption period within three years of their completing undergraduate or graduate study.

 These areas of study and students are NOT eligible for the tuition waivers:

  • Undergraduate students in bachelor’s degree programs.
  • Graduate students in doctoral programs.
  • Vocational or online degree programs.
  • Professional advanced degrees such as MD, JD, DVM.                  
    • English as a Second Language (ESL) or English for Academic Purpose (EAP) classes.


  • Community college students who receive an out-of-state tuition waiver and transfer to a Florida state university for a bachelor’s degree are not eligible to continue receiving the waiver.

For additional information, please visit us at FBLI Tuition Waiver Program or connect with the FBLI Team at

This form is intended for Center-based and affiliate faculty to request assistance from the Center for Latin American Studies graduate assistants during their front office hours. The Center front office GAs will be working during regular business hours in the Center. Any requested project will be worked on during that time since the remainder of their hours is for their supervisors.

Once approved, the Center will have a GA contact you directly to get additional information on the project and what is necessary for completion. The Center will work with the GAs to make sure the assigned tasks are being completed by the deadline provided.

Please provide information about the first stretch of your progress through the MALAS program. If you cannot fill in some details, provide tentative ideas or write PENDING and submit the form with all information that you do have.

TO DO in this term:

  • Identify a professor to serve as your thesis, capstone or intern advisor. 
  •  In conjunction with Issues and Perspectives course, identify topic of interests, explore approaches, and build an annotated bibliography.

If you have any additional questions, please contact Po Echeguren (

Please provide information about the first stretch of your progress through the MALAS program. If you cannot fill in some details, provide tentative ideas or write PENDING and submit the form with all information that you do have. 

NOTE key milestones this term:

  • Complete your committee membership and inform Dr. Korsant. 
  • Gain advisor’s written approval on thesis research proposal or capstone/internship proposal. 
  • If Fall: In conjunction with Issues and Perspectives course, identify topic of interests, explore approaches, and build an annotated bibliography.
  • If Spring: In conjunction with Methods course, develop initial draft of thesis research proposal or internship or capstone plan.

If you have any additional questions, please contact Po Echeguren (

Please provide information about the first stretch of your progress through the MALAS program. If you cannot fill in some details, provide tentative ideas or write PENDING and submit the form with all information that you do have. 

NOTE key milestones this term: 

  • Submit Thesis Plan, Internship Paper Plan, or Capstone Plan to all committee members.
  • Committee meeting to discuss the plan, establish consensus on strategies for culminating project, sign approval form. 
  • Submit to Dr. Clate Korsant approved plan signed by committee members.

If you have any additional questions, please contact Po Echeguren (

Please provide information about the first stretch of your progress through the MALAS program. If you cannot fill in some details, provide tentative ideas or write PENDING and submit the form with all information that you do have.

NOTE key milestones this term: 

  • Defend MA project/thesis, file with Dr. Clate Korsant and Po Echeguren, submit thesis in GIMS. 
  • Apply to graduate. 
  • Complete all the curriculum requirements for MALAS degree and any certificates and/or Specializations chosen.

If you have any additional questions, please contact Po Echeguren (

The Center for Latin American Studies is pleased to announce it has resources available for affiliate faculty to attend workshops, meetings, conferences, or for the development of international linkages on Latin American topics. If you are applying for two separate events/travels, please submit an application for each one.

Funds may be used for travel expenses such as lodging, transportation, meals, or conference registration fees. Please note that there may be additional requirements depending on the funding you are awarded. Any additional requirements will be noted in your funding letter. 


  • To complete this form you will be prompted to log-in through Submittable. If you do not have a valid account, you will need to create a free Submittable account.  
  • If you encounter technical issues with the form, please contact
  • You can save a draft of your work if you would like to finish filling out the form at a later date.
  • All communications regarding your submission will occur via email.

The Center for Latin American Studies has resources available for graduate students to present at an academic or professional conference on Latin American topics. Students enrolled in the MA program in Latin American Studies or the LAS graduate certificate program will receive priority for funding. If you are applying for two separate events, please submit an application for each one.  

If you are graduating this semester, you may apply for funding even if the conference date is after your official date of graduation. For example, if you are traveling to Guadalajara, Mexico, because your presentation has been accepted at LASA, you must submit your receipts immediately after your return. 

Funds may be used for travel expenses such as lodging, transportation, meals, or conference registration fees. Any additional requirements will be noted in your funding letter. 


  • To complete this form you will be prompted to log-in through Submittable. If you do not have a valid account, you will need to create a free Submittable account.  
  • If you encounter technical issues with the form, please contact
  • You can save a draft of your work if you would like to finish filling out the form at a later date.
  • All communications regarding your submission will occur via email.