Affiliate Status Application Form

Thank  you for your interest in becoming or remaining an affiliate with the Center. Typically affiliates devote at least 25% of their professional activity (teaching, research, service, or outreach) to Latin America, the Caribbean, or Latin@s in the United States.

In addition to your CV, we would need a brief paragraph on your research and/or teaching related to the Latin American/Caribbean/Latin@ Studies. If you are seeking an affiliate appointment and have not had one previously, once you complete this form and upload your CV, your materials will be presented at one of our monthly Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) meetings for approval.  If you are renewing your affiliate appointment, one you complete this form and upload your CV, our HR person at the Center will submit the request to update your affiliate status in the UF system.

Benefits of LAS Affiliate Faculty Status

  • Eligible to apply for Center funding (course development, professional development travel)
  •  Invited to major Center events 
  • Useful for CV and P&T
  • Eligible to run for positions on the Faculty Advisory Council (FAC)
  •  Latin American-related courses can be cross-listed with the Center and promoted through our website

Responsibilities/Expectations of Affiliate Faculty

  • Assist the Center in promoting Latin American Studies (LAS) programs and courses across campus
  • Collaborate with Core and other Affiliate Faculty working in LAS
  • Serve occasionally on ad hoc LAS committees
  • Provide input on innovative ideas for new LAS academic initiatives and programs
  •  Serve as advisors/mentors for LAS graduate students when appropriate 
We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.